Did You Know …

Mukhanyo trains church leaders for faithful ministry.

​Did you know that after completing Mukhanyo’s Bachelor of Theology (BTh) degree, a student will:

  • Have a good knowledge of the contents of the Bible, both the Old and the New Testament as well as the Reformed confessions and the classical languages.
  • Be able to prepare Reformed sermons and deliver these sermons in an appropriate way to a congregation.
  • Play a moral and constructive role by developing and applying core Christian norms and values to contexts and to facilitate moral decision making and formation.
  • Be able to critically compare and use Reformed theological concepts and disciplines to explore faith questions and proclaim the Christian faith in context, particularly the African context.
  • Be able to identify, evaluate and develop personal faith, particularly in the African context, and be able to facilitate Christian pastoral ministry to individuals and communities, and to evaluate its effectiveness.
  • Be able to promote, develop and evaluate reformed transformative leadership in a faith community.
  • Be prepared to advance into the BTh Honours and further theological study.

Did you also know . . .

  • That Ecclesiastes 1:9 states “there is nothing new under the sun” and Hosea 4:1 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (of God’s covenant with his people).
  • This implies the great importance to know 2 000 years of church history so that you will be able to see through many of today’s many dissenting and false doctrines which have, through the centuries, been disproved as such.
  • That this insight was highlighted by Rev Antonio Coppola, manager of Mukhanyo’s Durban centre, in an article in the July edition of the national magazine Joy! (as well as its Afrikaans version, Juig!).
  • That African church history has for years been an important module at Mukhanyo. Several Mukhanyo lecturers, including Dr Brian de Vries and Dr Willie Zeze, have compiled an extensive study guide on this topic.
  • That Mukhanyo lecturers are contributing Reformed articles to Joy! Magazine on a monthly basis.

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