“God has blessed Mukhanyo and by His grace we can say that we believe that this college is now one of the best Reformed training colleges in and for South Africa. Major progress was made in 2016 and is still in the making.” This was the testimony of Dr Brian DeVries at Mukhanyo’s AGM that was held in Pretoria during March. He presented the annual report and highlighted a number of salient features, including the following:
- Staff expansion: In the past year a number of highly qualified people joined Mukhanyo, improving the academic and administrative quality.
- Mukhanyo now is a multi-located, decentralised academic ministry with a missionary heart (KwaMhlanga, Pretoria, Johannesburg) with in addition some 48 Bible study locations, of which a few are outside South Africa.
- There are more theological students than before: In 2017 there are some 70 students receiving contact or part-time training (BTh – 43, Diploma – 24 and Certificate – 8).
- Upgrading and extensions to the facilities have mostly been completed (with a few important exceptions).
- Accreditation (re-)applications for a number of programmes were completed.
- Concerning finances: 45% of income now comes from SA, making Mukhanyo less dependent on outside resources. However, further progress is required.
- Nearly half a million rand was spent on bursaries for theological students, more than ever. But more is needed.
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Faculty Forum: investing in good practices
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