To be in unity of faith, to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, to obtain spiritual discernment, to glorify God – this should be part of the bottom line of all activities by a Ladies Fellowship in a church. These criteria are mentioned in Ephesians 4:11-16. Some of the results are also given here – growth in the church and in love.
This was the heart of the first session of teaching during the recent Pastors’ Wives Conference that was held at Mukhanyo. While the principles were explained, practical examples were mentioned on how a ladies fellowship can be implemented and managed in a congregation.
After a time of group discussions and more fellowship over lunch, Dr Brian Wingard, a full-time senior lecturer at Mukhanyo, explained how a pastor’s wife can and should prepare a Bible Study. The importance of good preparation and the seriousness of handling and teaching the Word of God were emphasized.