Prayer & Praise for July 2018

  1. While this document is compiled the annual Bible College Consultation that is hosted by Mukhanyo is on the go (19 to 21 June). Our hearts are full of gratitude and we ask you to thank the Lord with us for the following:
    – Our number of attendees hit one hundred! These people come from about 30 different Theological Colleges and some are from other Christian organisations. We thank the Lord for this good attendance and all the practical arrangements going well.
    – Thank the Lord for the spiritual and academic input in the lives of these attendees and in the different ministries. Pray that the Lord will graciously give lasting fruit on this.
  2. Our students are currently enjoying their mid-year study break. Please pray that it will be a time of spiritual refreshment, that the Lord will bless their ministries and studies and that He will use them as witnesses among their friends and family.
  3. We currently have a few vacancies at Mukhanyo. Please pray with us that the Lord will lead the people of His choice to us to serve Him here.
  4. Two seminars on Personal Evangelism will be held on Saturdays 7 and 21 July at our KwaMhlanga campus, God willing. Please pray that many pastors and lay preachers will attend this and learn how to more effectively share the Gospel.
  5. Please pray for the following that is on the programme:
    – 19 and 20 July – Two days of Strategic Planning by the Executive Committee and about 10 other senior staff members. Please pray that the Lord will bless those two days and give His guidance.
    – 23 July – Faculty Forum. This is an opportunity when all the faculty members spend some time together to discuss different matters relating to the lecturing and receive some training.
    – 23 JulyExecutive committee meeting.
    – 24 JulyClasses resume for the Theology students at the various campuses.
    – 25 JulyOperations Committee meeting at KwaMhlanga Campus.
    – 31 JulyAcademic Committee meeting.

    Thank you for being part of this ministry through your prayers!

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