Beeke Seminar: Reformed Piety and Preaching


​​Mukhanyo is hosting a seminar on 21 and 22 June, featuring guest speaker Dr Joel Beeke. He will present six topics within the themes of Reformed Theology, Piety, and Experiential Preaching.

Register online at Mukhanyo Events.

Some view theology as a waste of time since they only believe in what they can see and touch. However, theology introduces us to an unseen world that is far greater and longer lasting than the physical world, making it the most important task a person can undertake. As R.C. Sproul said, “Everyone’s a theologian.” We cannot escape theology. The question is whether our theology is true or false.”

“Experiential theology addresses how a Christian experiences the truth of Christian doctrine in his life.”
​– Joel Beeke.

Preaching that reaches only the head without the heart and vice versa misses the vital connection between truth and love which is found in Christ, the Head of the Church. Experiential preaching looks at how we can expound the Gospel as both head and heart knowledge.

“Gospel truth has not reached its goal until it produces love. Love has no living roots without gospel truth. Therefore, the truth of Christ must be brought home to the heart by the Holy Spirit to produce love. That’s the kind of preaching we need.”
​– Joel Beeke

Developing truly Reformed thinking on an academic level requires an intellectual exchange of thinking and regular research. It is therefore something special when one of the foremost thinkers in this field will be visiting South Africa in June.

Dr Joel Beeke is president of the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, USA. He is a professor of systematic theology and homiletics, and pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation since 1986, as well as editor of the Puritan Reformed Journal and Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth. Beeke has written and co-authored over 120 books, edited another 100 books, and contributed more than 2,500 articles to Reformed books, journals, and other publications.

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